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Silver pinNovember 1996


To review, update and formulate criteria for the awarding of BCAWA Silver Pins.


 The pin was proposed in 1976-1977 by a club member to serve as a unifying symbol for all BCAWA member clubs. The grape cluster with ribbon was adopted during that time. The initial cost was $4.25 per pin which some member clubs considered outrageous. The first award was made in 1977.

Originally, BCAWA Executive had discussed an award for the "Wine person of the Year" but this was felt difficult to define. When the pin was proposed there was discussion that the Executive have silver pins to acknowledge their service to BCAWA, with brass pins for regular members. A subsequent Council Meeting determined that this was perhaps somewhat self-serving; that the Silver Pin should be awarded for service to the home-winemaker and the various winemakers organizations as the Executive Committee sees fit "Service" was defined as an acknowledgement of the efforts of the "invisible" person; the individual who is always there, can be counted on, and be counted on consistently, who has contributed on many levels - not for one service performed many times or for one outstanding deed.


The recommendations following have been determined through reading of old minutes; from the precedents established by the criteria used to award previous winners; and the combined experiences and memories of this committee, which comprises in total nearly 75 years of BCAWA membership.


The history of the awards indicates that there are two categories:

Regular and Special

Regular: An individual who belongs to a member club and qualifies by their service, participation, support not only to their home club but by direct involvement with other home-winemaking organizations.
These qualifications are defined as follows:

... by personal attendance, entering wines, judging/stewarding, etc.

(Note: It is expected that while a candidate may not have accomplished all of the above, the range of his/her contribution should be exceptionally well rounded.)

Special: An individual or organization; who, while not necessarily a club member, has actively supported BCAWA and the activities of the home-winemaker over an extended period of time by providing services, information, hospitality; a 'friend'.

[Examples of this category would include:


It is the recommendation of this committee that nominations for the Silver Pin Award be accepted from 

i. BCAWA Executive; 
ii. Member Club Executives;
iii. Individuals who are members in good standing of member clubs.

Nominations should be written and specific as to status (i,ii,iii) of the nominator and, naturally, outline the services of the nominee.


The acceptance or rejection of any nominee is the ultimate responsibility of the BCAWA Executive Committee. However, they may choose to designate a specific subcommittee to review nominations and make recommendations.


The Committee respectfully submits this report for approval and adoption; with the final recommendation that it be accepted by the Executive Committee and not be debated at a Council Meeting.

Joan Collings
Charles Plant
Tom Robinson