Competition ResultsBCAWAMember ClubsWinemakingLinksThe GrapevineTOC

BCAWA - British Columbia Amateur Winemakers Association

bulletComing Events
bulletWhat is BCAWA bulletBCAWA Beginnings
bulletThe BC Wine Trophy
bulletSilver Pin Criteria Review
bulletSilver Pin Nomination Form
bulletLe Nez du Vin Aroma kit
bulletBCAWA Constitution
bullet Competition Handbook bullet Preamble & Dedication
bullet Competition Committee Duties
bulletHost Club Duties
bulletEquipment & Supplies
bulletRegistrar of Entries
bulletDuties of Stewards
bulletAWC Entries
bulletJudging Systems
bulletNotes to Judges
bulletEntry Regulations
bulletPresentation of Entries
bulletScoring Systems
bulletAroma Terminology
bullet58% System
bulletbcawa/comphb/images/Wine Judging Sheet.pdf
bulletbcawa/comphb/images/Sparkling Judging Sheet.pdf
bulletbcawa/comphb/images/Beer Judging Sheet.pdf
bulletbcawa/comphb/images/Judge Comment Sheets.pdf
bulletCompetition Results bullet

2009 - Saanich Sommeliers Wine Competition Medal Winners


2008 ICWC Competition Medal winners


2008 - Saanich Sommeliers Wine Competition Results 


2008 - Nanaimo Winemakers Varietal Competition RESULTS


2008 March - Chilliwack Zymurgy Wine & Beer Competition RESULTS

bullet 2008 - KWA Annual Judging Celebration RESULTS bullet

2008 - VAWA Annual Competition RESULTS


2008 - Provincial Competition hosted by Italvino Wine Club MEDAL WINNERS


2007 - Chilliwack Zymurgy Wine &  Beer Competition MEDAL WINNERS


2007 - Saanich Sommeliers Wine Competition MEDAL WINNERS



2006 - Vinovan Medal Winners bullet

2006 - Italian Canadian Winemakers Club MEDAL WINNERS bullet 2006 - Provincial Competition RESULTS bullet 2006 - KWA Judging TROPHY WINNERS bullet 2006 - Vancouver Amateur Winemakers Competition MEDAL WINNERS bullet 2006 - Nanaimo Winemakers Varietal Competition MEDAL WINNERS bullet2006 - Chilliwack Zymurgy Competition MEDAL WINNERS bullet2006 - Saanich Sommeliers Annual Competition MEDAL WINNERS. bullet 2005 - VINOVAN Wine Club Competition, MEDAL WINNERS bullet 2005 Italian Canadian Winemakers Club MEDAL WINNERS bullet 2005 AWC National AWARDS bullet 2005 Provincial MEDAL WINNERS bullet 2005 Vancouver Amateur Winemakers Association bullet 2005 Kamloops Winemakers Association wine judging bullet 2005 Nanaimo Winemakers Varietal Wine Competition bullet 2005 Chilliwack Zymurgy Competition MEDAL WINNERS bullet2005 Saanich Sommeliers Medal Winners bullet2004 Vinovan Medal Winners bullet2004 AWC National bullet2005 BCAWA Competition bullet2005 Chilliwack bullet2005 Saanich Sommeliers bullet2004 Vinovan bullet2004 Provincial Competition bullet2004 Nanaimo Winemakers bullet2004 Chilliwack bullet2004 Saanich Sommeliers bullet2003 AWC bullet2003 Nanaimo Winemakers bullet2003 Chilliwack bullet2003 Saanich Sommiliers bullet2002 Vinovan bullet2002 AWC bullet2002 Chilliwack bullet2002 Saanich Sommeliers bullet2001 Vinovan bullet2001 AWC bullet2001 Provincial Competition bullet2001 Kamloops bullet2001 Chilliwack bullet2001 Saanich bulletMember Club Pages bulletNanaimo Winemakers bulletVINOVAN Wine Club bulletWinemaking bulletWine Score Sheet bulletThe Use of SO2 in Winemaking bulletAcid Control in Winemaking bulletMalolactic Fermentation bulletPotassium Sorbate bulletAcid/pH Adjustment bulletHydrogen Sulfide and its Derivatives bulletCorks bulletFining and Fining Agents bulletWhy are pH and TA not Proportional bulletSO2 Additions Table bulletpH Without Pain bulletGrape  Varieties and Blending bulletFlaws and Faults in Wine bulletWords To Describe Wine bulletWinemaker Log bulletA Wine book Review bulletThe Grapevine bulletLinks

Competition ResultsBCAWAMember ClubsWinemakingLinksThe GrapevineTOC

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